
Valentine's Day Picnic with Old and New Friends (plus salad recipe)


Although it was Valentine's Day and a Sunday, some boyfriends unfortunately had to go to work. But I'm not complaining. Not at all, because I spent the day in the fantastic company! My girlfriend's and I went to place called DONKEY'S LAND , first in Greece non-profit organization which practice asinotherapy, which is simply "donkey therapy".
They provide donkey assisted therapy for children and adults. Just being there around these very intelligent creatures (yeah, donkeys are not stupid) can cheer up your mood.
Donkeys also benefit from the stimulation and contact that comes from interaction with children and adults, they love the warmth and affection, so the animal assisted therapy goes both ways!
They have seven adorable donkeys living there at the moment - Isidore, Manou, Lily, Pepito, Lemonia and  Eftyhia.
Aren't they adorable!

After playing around with the "donkey therapists" we set up our picnic table and enjoyed wonderful spring weather and lunch under the open sky. I made for us the "summer body' salad and mini kourou pies. We ate well, laughed a lot and cried a little... It was very therapeutic and relaxing day with friends. I felt LOVED...
Summer Body Salad
(serves 3)
3/4 cup cooked Beluga lentils
3/4 cup cooked millet
1 large sweet potato, peeled and roasted with olive oil and spices
1 florina pepper
1 green bell pepper
2 Lebanese cucumber (or any other)
about 1/2 cup chopped turnip or radishes
1/4 cup parsley, green onion and dill , each
1/2 cup roasted beets
handful of corn salad (you can substitute for baby spinach leafs or rocket)
2 tbsp vegan or regular mayo
1 tbsp kale and lemon pesto (or any other green vegan pesto)
2 tbsp buttermilk or water for vegan option
salt and pepper to taste
Method :
1. In a large size bowl mix together lentil and millet.
2. Finely chop peppers, cucumber and turnip, cut the potato into thick cubes. Throw all the veggies into the bowl with lentil mix followed by finely chop parsley, green onion and dill.
3. To make dressing place all the ingredients into a small blender and mix until well combined. Add half of the dressing into the bowl with chopped veggies and mix gently to coat them well.  
4. Divide the salad into deep plates, top with roasted beets, corn salad and drizzle with extra dressing.



  1. Alex were is this place? Do they have a website? I wanna make your salad and go too! ;)

  2. http://gaidourohora.gr/
